Welcome to Grace Baptist Church, Scottsdale
Thank you for connecting with Grace Baptist Church. The city is a lonely place. Our desire at Grace Baptist is to help people find true peace and fulfillment. We want to help people connect and make friends. We also want to help people have resources to help with life’s struggles. We teach people how to interpret and study the Bible so that they can understand God’s plan for their life. We teach about the life and influence of Jesus Christ and how He changes our lives for the better so that we can shine the light of the Gospel in the Scottsdale area.
We are a smaller, conservative church that is in the process of revitalization. Our desire is to promote God first and help people have personal faith in Jesus Christ so that they can understand their purpose here on earth. We invite you to join us and discover true peace. If you have questions or would like us to pray for you, please contact us or come for a visit.
Pastor Wayne
Learn more about Pastor Wayne Dale and send him a message on our staff page.
It Is Our Privilege to Connect You:
...to Jesus our guide
...to the Bible, our trail manual
...to others following on the same trail
...to the community through service events

What to expect on Sundays:
- There is no dress code; our pastor usually wears business casual.
- Children and Adult classes begin at 9:30 AM, and coffee and snacks are provided.
- Our Worship Service begins at 10:30 AM and ends by 11:45 am (nursery available).
- Children are welcome in the service, but we understand if you need a break (children’s class available).
- Order of service– Prayer, a few hymns/songs, a welcome time, Bible reading, a message from the Bible, sometimes special music, announcements, and an offering collection (online giving is also available, and visitors are not expected to give toward the offering).
- We have hymnals and overhead-projected music as well.
- Bible message will be in PowerPoint.
- Many bring personal Bibles, but we have some available for you to use, or you can follow along on the screen or on your mobile device.
Service Times | Sunday 10:30 AM & 5:00 PM
Submit Prayer Request
“The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective” James 5:16b